Three Women in Swimsuit Holding Palm Leaves
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Latina Non-Monogamous Women and Normative Messages about Intimacy

Idalia V. Maciel, M.S.

I'd love to have you participate in my study! Please take a few minutes to complete the pre-​screening survey, where you'll provide your email at the end. If it looks like you qualify, I'll send ​you an email with a link to a 15 to 20 minute survey asking about the messages you've received ​around race, gender, and sexuality, as well as your own beliefs and psychological well-being. ​After finishing the survey, you’ll receive a $10 Amazon Gift Card as a thank you for your time.

E-mail is requested for survey distribution and compensation, but the survey does not request ​any personal identification and there is no way for your data to be linked back to you. Your ​responses will remain anonymous. Please don't hesitate to reach out with any questions!

Study description

Women. International Women's Day

CAN i participate?

Are you 18 or older?

Are you non monogamous

Do you identify as a woman?

Do you identify as Latina x e

Do you identify as Chicana or Hispanic?

Do you identify as Afro-Latina/x/e?

Were you born in a Latin American country

Are you in an open relationship?

Do you have multiple serious partners at once?

Are you monogamish?

Are you a swinger?

Are you solo-poly?

Are you in a polyamorous or non-monogamous relationship?

Are you and your partner(s) free to pursue other relationships outside your relationship?

Do you have ancestry from a Latin American country?

about the researcher

Idalia Maciel, M.S.

Principal Investigator

My name is Idalia Maciel (she/her/ella). I identify as a queer Latina ​non-monogamous woman with brown skin. I am a doctoral ​candidate in Psychology at the University of Michigan. I received a ​B.A. in Psychology from the University of North Texas, an M.S. in ​Psychological Sciences from The University of Texas at Dallas, and ​an M.S. in Psychology from the University of Michigan.

I am a feminist sex researcher with an intersectional and pleasure-​centered approach. My work focuses on individuals who identify as ​women, queer, and/or non-monogamous. I am particularly ​interested in how marginalized folks navigate stigmatization while ​seeking authentic sexual and relational expression.

This study is part of my dissertation research to complete my PhD ​and is funded by the Rackham Graduate School at the University of ​Michigan and the Polyamory Foundation.

Green Plants

If you have any questions, please e-mail me at: or
